The World’s Best Skywalks – Walking On Air
It can certainly be unnerving to walk on a glass-bottom platform suspended at some ridiculous height, yet if you can manage to steel your nerves and enjoy the view, you are in for a once-in-a-lifetime experience when you visit some of the world’s most striking skywalks. China’s Tianmen Mountain is home to a stupendous natural arch at its peak. To reach it, you must walk up a seemingly endless staircase and meander your way across a phenomenal skywalk built along the side of the mountain at a sweat-inducing 1,430 metres in altitude. Although not nearly as nauseating (in a good way, of course!) the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb rates as one of the most rewarding ‘walks’ you could ever hope to do. Nutters the world over still flock to conquer El Camino del Rey in Spain’s Málaga province, even though it is officially closed to the public. The stomach-churning path or rickety bridges and spine-tingling drops is not for the faint of heart and requires a healthy dose of cool nerves and safety straps.
El Camino Del Rey, Spain

Skywalk, Grand Canyon, Arizona

SkyDeck, Willis Tower, Chicago

Mount Hua, China

Tianmenshan, Tianmen Mountain, China

Skywalk at Sydney Harbour Bridge

Tamborine Mountain Rainforest, Gold Coast, Australia

Glacier Skywalk, Jasper, Canada